Industry Solutions of the CONET UC Radio Suite

With the help of the CONET UC Radio Suite (UCRS), the control center will become a center for process-driven communication and information exchange equipped with a unified user interface for an effective protection of lives, infrastructures and resources in all kinds of usage scenarios.

An efficient, easy and reliable communication between all involved parties via the most diverse communication channels, platforms, networks and devices is essential for effective decision-making and decisive action. But different regional as well as technological areas, industries and sectors have very different requirements and needs towards their equipment, infrastructure and functionality in their control rooms, control centers, command and control divisions or their crisis management.

Utility Companies, Grid Operators, Elecrtricity, Gas and Water Providers

CONET's UC Radio Suite enables an integrated, resilient communication and reliable information exchange throughout all operating processes of private and public water, gas and electricity suppliers and grid operators – in daily operations as well as in crisis and large-scale emergency scenarios, stationary and mobile.

More information on communication solutions for utility companies

Traffic Control & Transportation

The increasing traffic volume on roads and railways and at airport and shipping ports also increases the demands towards information and control mechanisms. Especially the efficient and effective management of electronic surveillance and emergency systems is paramount in this regard, because security, cleanliness and service are three of the main challenges to be faced by all providers offering transportation, logistics and traffic management.

The CONET UC Radio Suite (UCRS) as a central communication and integration platform supports all communication, information and management processes in traffic management and control of gate, platform and road displays, sounding systems and facility management. In crisis management and critical communication scenarios, the redundant system architecture guarantees high availability, reliable alerting and fast information procurement via the integration of GIS data, situation reports, emergency call systems and video surveillance, thus providing for an effective coordination of all emergency response forces. Successful UCRS projects in traffic control run, e.g., at ASFINAG and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA / Statens vegvesen).

Industry / Oil, Gas, Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals / Plant Fire Departments

The control processes in the operation of large-scale industrial plants place high demands on an integrated communication and smooth information exchange. Especially operators in the fields of oil, gas, chemicals and pharmaceutical industries need powerful communication systems for effective control of surveillance, supervision and emergency management as well as in coordinating public emergency response forces in order to guarantee fast and effective action in case of accidents and emergencies.

The CONET UC Radio Suite (UCRS) as a central communication and integration platform supports all communication, information and management processes in the operation of large-scale industrial plants, e.g. via direct coupling of mobile radio and landline telephony of various manufacturers and external service providers. As a control room solution for plant security and emergency services as well as for managing plant traffic and works railway all the way to external services and facility management, it is able to replace the failure-prone and time-consuming manual connection and coordination often still in use today.

Public Safety / Police / Fire Services / Blue Light Organizations

In the daily operations of command and control centers, fast and reliable communications via all platforms, channels and frequencies used are essential for successfully dealing with the danger posed. The Unified Communications Radio Suite offers a comprehensive communication solution that enables a direct coupling of radio (TETRA, TETRAPol, PMR) with landline and mobile telephony while also providing a full integration of information systems, alarm circuits, public address solutions and video surveillance as well as social media monitoring.

The CONET UC Radio Suite (UCRS) as a central communication and integration platform supports all communication, alerting and emergency response processes. As a control room solution the URCS enables smooth integration and conferencing via all used communication platforms (TETRA, TETRAPol, PMR, P25, DMR, GSM, GSM-R), PTT-PMR integration via LTE and mobile dispatching. Therefore, efficient telephony and prioritized conferences even with mixed participants of radio and landline based connections are possible. In crisis management and emergency response, the redundant system guarantees high availability, reliable alerting and fast information procurement via the integration of GIS data, situation reports, emergency calls and video surveillance, thus providing for an effective coordination of all emergency response forces.


In view of more and more joint operations with multi-national forces in global fields of operation, the need for a direct integration of all the individual information and communication channels and systems becomes predominent for keeping up a constant operational readiness. A a central integration hub, the CONET UC Radio Suite enables reliable communications via a wide range of radio standards and aggregates data, video and audio information from status reports, geo information and reconnaisance on a central interface. This is also a valuable asset in home training and operations, e.g. at airfields where military and civic fire and rescue units have to be coordinated.


The management processes in passenger service and aircraft handling and the operation of the airfield and the airport facilities place high demands on an integrated communication and smooth information exchange. Especially an effective and efficient control of electronic surveillance and emergency systems is of paramount importance for safeguarding smooth, reliable and secure flight operations.

The CONET UC Radio Suite (UCRS) as a central communication and integration platform supports all communication, information and management processes in aviation – “above-wing”, i.e. in the passenger service and handling as well as “under wing” on the airfield, in luggage handling, in the bus traffic and in the security of the airfield and the airport as a whole, down to logistics and facility management.

Smart Cities

The operations, control and crisis management processes in modern cities and communities place high demands on an integrated communication and smooth information exchange. Effective systems for managing and controlling traffic, energy and water supply, communication networks as well as public emergency response forces in case of accidents and emergencies today need to integrate all information resources from emergency calls and video surveillance to social media monitoring.

The CONET UC Radio Suite (UCRS) as a central communication and integration platform supports all communication, information and management processes in the operation of so called smart and connected communities. As a control room solution, the UCRS enables a direct coupling of radio, telephony and information systems of most diverse manufacturers. It is thus able to replace the failure-prone and time-consuming manual connection and coordination often still in use today in the communications between public administration, emergency response forces, private industry and the citizens themselves.

Data Sheets of the CONET UC Radio Suite in PDF format for download

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