Digital Communications and E-Commerce
Digital customer demands, new technical options and legal requirements are constantly presenting new challenges to customer communication, digital marketing and online commerce. We support your digital transformation with reliable advice based on many years of experience in customer communication management and e-commerce in the B2B environment. Together with you, we identify suitable methods, processes and technologies, develop suitable solutions and, if desired, operate them for you.
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Learn more about our digital communications and e-commerce solutions and services:
Solutions for efficient customer communication management (CCM) enable personalized, interactive digital communications via various channels in realtime, leading to a significantly improved customer experience. At the same time, CCM simplifies adherence to compliance requirements and accelerates the digital transformation in customer communication with transparent processes as well as uniform and consistent creation and management of documents!
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E-commerce is more than a shop. In the spirit of modern e-business, innovative processes and high-performance technical solutions for customer contact and customer service make the difference. Embedded in all corporate processes, your overall strategy for e-business 2.0 also forms the basis for industry 4.0 and the internet of things (IoT). We are happy to support you in all your challenges of modern business requirements.
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