
For CONET, sustainability means responsible, resource-conserving corporate management and control geared towards value creation and profitability. As a service provider, CONET focuses on the goal of taking into account the different interests of all relevant stakeholders in our work in a balanced manner on a permanent basis. This relates to the concerns of our employees as well as the demands of our customers, the requirements of shareholders and companies and, ultimately, the community.

Guidelines & Standards

As a responsible company, we are committed to our human rights and environmental due diligence along the supply chain. As part of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), we have developed a policy statement that underscores our commitment to fair and sustainable business practices. This statement describes our measures for identifying and avoiding potential risks. Transparency and responsibility are core values that we actively live by. For more information, please refer to our policy statement.

Statement of Principles of the CONET Group

In accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), we submit an annual report on the implementation of our due diligence obligations to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) and then publish it:

BAFA report for the business year 2024

Our goal is to be one of Germany‘s top 10 IT consultancies. We can only achieve this goal if we act responsibly and in compliance with the law at all times. We are convinced that this is the only way we can build and maintain long-term and sustainable business relationships with customers, partners and employees. This is more important to us than short-term profit-oriented success.

This claim to ’long-term relationships‘ is a cornerstone of our corporate constitution CONET LIFE, in which we have laid down our unmistakable identity. It defines our guiding principles, our mission, our vision and common rules for fair, open and trusting cooperation within our teams as well as with our customers and business partners – our culture. Our Code of Conduct summarizes this as an ethical and legal guide.

We expect all members of the management and employees to behave in accordance with the Code of Conduct and to act as role models.

Code of Conduct of the CONET Group

The companies of the CONET Group* attach great importance to creating and maintaining long-term and successful business relationships. In addition to economic aspects, we also pay particular attention to ecological and social aspects. We shape our entrepreneurial actions sustainably and are constantly striving to improve in this area.

We expect our Business Partners to act in an equally responsible manner. Compliance with the principles described in this Code is essential for the business relationship with our Business Partners and is considered the basis for cooperation.

Code of Conduct for Business Partners of the CONET Group

Logo TÜV NORD ISO 9001:2015

The focus of CONET’s activities is to meet customers’ requests and requirements. Our goal is to satisfy our customers and to understand and fulfill their demands. Due to this fact, the CONET management has committed itself to the introduction and maintenance of a quality management (QM) system.

This QM system has been certified according to the international standards DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and is based on extensive experience that CONET gathered in IT projects.

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