CONET at Critical Communications Europe in Copenhagen
Smart Mobile Dispatching and PTT via LTE
Visit CONET at booth B10 of Critical Communications Europe on February 8th and 9th at the Bella Center in Denmark’s beautiful capital Copenhagen!
Showcases will focus on smart mobile dispatching and PTT via LTE using CONET’s Mobile Commander App that enables fully functional and direct communication between smartphones, TETRA and dispatchers.
Feel free to ask our experts at Critical Communications about any of our integrated solutions for mission critical dispatching and crisis management integrating voice and video communication and conferencing across all kinds of existing communication platforms (VoIP, LTE, TETRA, P25, DMR, UHF/VHF).
CONET’s TETRA-LTE gateway enables mixed communication between different platforms of TETRA manufacturers such as Airbus, Motorola, Rohill and others and supports extensive voice and data services.
Furthermore, CONET UCRS enables an easy integration of emergency call & response, information systems, public address systems, physical security / CCTV, traffic management, social media integration and drone controlling. Our own ruggedized mobile command flight case and our unified communication API are equally well worth a closer look.
Event website with additional information on Critical Communications Europe
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