Public: IT Strategy and Solutions for Public Administration

Administrative Modernization in Times of Digital Sovereignty


Public administration must constantly renew itself in order to meet the current requirements of citizens in a self-determined and secure manner, but also to meet its own demands and framework conditions. CONET supports the federal and state governments in a variety of topics related to the modernization and digitization of central administrative processes and structures in order to continuously improve cooperation between all levels of government and public services.

Public administration in the age of digitalization

The advancing digitalization affects all areas of our today's life in economy, administration and society. Digitalization connects, facilitates and accelerates, opening up new opportunities and possibilities, but at the same time it also poses new challenges. Digital technology plays an essential role – but the focus has to be on the constantly changing ways of using it, thinking and working, processes and structures. Together with our customers, we are committed to taking an active part in the digital transformation of administration and society!

CONET’s professional expertise, experience and know-how at the service of public administration

Based on our decades of commitment and successful participation in large digitization projects in the federal and state governments, we have extensive industry expertise and experience. We have been involved in important modernization projects at all levels of public administration, public security and defense for many years. We combine our technical expertise with extensive knowledge of organizational structures, tasks and the legal framework of the public sector.

As a medium-sized group of companies, we can quickly pick up on market trends thanks to our agile structures and are therefore able to react to customer requirements at short notice. We combine reliability and consistency with innovation and flexibility.

CONET's competence in processes, structures and specific solutions in the public sector is valued. For example, in 2024, SAP Germany has given CONET the "Partner of the Year Public Services" award for the sixth time in a row in its Diamant Initiative, recognizing special commitment, know-how and pioneering projects in public administration.

CONET Group solutions for public administration

Taget in Hand

Thanks to our specialization and our know-how, we can provide comprehensive support to our public clients. We support our customers through the entire project and solution lifecycle: From the project idea and the technical design to the implementation and the support in daily operation, we make good use of our experience and competence in all project phases. We have more than 1,700 specialists for all aspects of digital transformation in our own ranks and can therefore provide competent and reliable service even in large projects.

Modernization toward a digital, sovereign administration encompasses many different thematic challenges. With our focus on the public sector, CONET meets the diversity of these content-related aspects. We accompany federal and state governments in our numerous IT projects, from the digitization of administrative processes at the interface to the citizen in the context of the Online Access Act (Onlinzugangsgesetz OZG) to the implementation of transformation towards stronger sustainability.

CONET's range of services for the public sector addresses all current digitization topics in the public sector:

CONET Services Public

Online Access Act / Onlinezugangsgesetz (OZG)

IT Consolidation & Networks

The Online Access Act obliges all German public agencies to make a large proportion of administrative services available to society digitally in the future. In addition to the development of online services themselves, cross-state interfaces to portals and specialist applications must be created and integrated, and a large number of individual implementation projects must be synchronized. A key lever for the successful digitization of administrative services for citizens and companies - but also for the digitization of administrative processes within the administration - are modern, digital and networked registers that directly integrate administrative data into specialist processes.  

The CONET Group is a reliable partner for the development of online services and digital forms as well as for the conception and management of OZG implementation projects for the federal and state governments. Our focus is on the complete digitization of administrative processes from the digital application form to the specialist application.

The centralization of IT processes, applications and infrastructures of the federal administration (IT consolidation) harmonizes and standardizes the federal government's information technology – both within and across agencies. The usability of central services of the federal government is always accompanied by the connection via a secure and high-performance information network of the federal and state networks. The consolidation process often starts with the alignment of the authorities' own IT and the consideration of which central services will be integrated into the authorities' own IT and when. Our experience shows that even after centralization of parts of the government IT, larger portions of the infrastructure and application landscape must continue to be operated by the government agencies themselves.  

CONET specializes in infrastructure services for the public sector and supports many federal authorities in the modernization of their IT, questions regarding network connections in the administrative network, as well as in the operation itself. We also support the central IT service providers at the federal level. 

Discover more on the pages of our group company CONET ISB Discover more on our solution pages on infrastructure

Data, GIS, Platforms & AI

Hosting, Operation & Managed Services

The data of the administration is a strategic resource in itself as well as for society, the use of which can be increased even further with powerful infrastructures, the right competence and taking into account European requirements on data protection and sovereignty. In this context, unified data and cloud platforms offer significant potential to improve the interaction of different stakeholders from public agencies to enterprises. In the same way, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can support and reduce the burden on government. In particular, many of the data-driven topics of the future, such as energy transition, transport infrastructure or climate efficiency, are directly linked to geoinformation. On central platforms, all data can be collected, managed, analyzed and visualized in a geoinformation system (GIS).  

CONET has many years of experience in harnessing administrative data and implementing data intelligence solutions and advises federal authorities on the implementation of the federal government's data strategy. In addition, our group company CONET ISB specializes in GIS solutions for the public sector.

At the heart of an efficient and modern administration are the diverse specialized procedures of the individual authorities and public organizations. These often still have to be provided by the authorities themselves. In times of a lack of IT specialists, this can only be ensured with efficient operation of the authorities' own infrastructures and targeted use of managed services and hosting offers. 

CONET is an IT service provider experienced in the public sector and is familiar with the requirements of the federal administration for the high-performance, flexible and secure operation of IT landscapes from a large number of projects at federal and state authorities. We offer reliable operation from a single source – whether as operational services, managed services or hosting.

Discover more on our solution pages on data intelligence and on the pages of our group company CONET ISB on geoinformation systems

Discover more on our solution pages on Managed Services

Cyber Security, CRITIS & Resilience Digital Education & School Management

Under the heading of cyber security, the security and resilience of public IT is not only a prerequisite for digitization, but also a very serious challenge with high damage potential. This applies to all public agencies, but especially in times of war and crisis for Critical Infrastructures (CRITIS), so that the provision of critical supplies and commodities for the population can be ensured.  

CONET supports many public-sector customers on their way to strengthened cyber security. The spectrum of services in the area of IT security and information security ranges from architecture and IT planning to IT security design and documentation to support in security incidents, for example, through IT forensics and incident response.

Digitization affects not only public administration, but also the education sector in particular. A digital school administration supports all processes that are relevant for planning, administration and evaluation in the education system. Beyond the administrative part, digital tools also offer a wide range of possibilities in the area of digital education to support the learning of children and adults.

Discover more on our solution pages on Cyber Security

Discover more on the pages of our group company CONET ISB on school administration systems

Cloud in Public Administration

Files & Archives

The infrastructures of the administration are also growing together and positioning themselves in an interoperable, modular and federal German administration cloud. More and more of these cloud offerings from the administration itself are becoming usable. However, in order to take advantage of the great benefits of this multicloud and to provide specialized procedures as software-as-a-service from the cloud, these must first be given "cloud-ready" status and often have to be significantly modernized or completely redeveloped for this purpose.

As with paper-based administrative decision-making processes, digital administration also involves file-relevant information that must be stored in an electronic file (e-file) in a legally secure and compliant manner. This also applies to the long-term storage of the sometimes multimedia content of an electronic file in digital archives.


ERP, Human Resources, Logistics & Budgeting

Sustainability & Green IT

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are also in the public sector suitable for the efficient use of personnel and financial resources, the optimization of internal administrative and logistics processes, and the possibility of exchanging and evaluating data. 

For CONET the focus is on the possibilities of adapting SAP technologies to the specific needs of the individual government authorities.

For CONET, sustainability stands for a comprehensive consulting approach from strategy to reporting to the server infrastructure. Regardless of system and department boundaries, industries or sectors, we find the right solution for ecological, social and structural problems together with our customers.

As a reliable partner, we provide support in mastering the greatest challenge of our time – in the area of public administration, for example, through more sustainable procurement and the optimization of IT infrastructures from an emissions perspective as a valuable contribution to "Green IT".

Discover more on our solution pages on SAP  

Strategy Consulting & Program and Project Management

The ever-increasing use of information technology in administration and the pervasiveness of digital transformation often present administrations with the question of what consequences this will have for their own IT and its long-term orientation.

With our consulting solutions, CONET offers competent support from the development to the implementation of IT and digitization strategies and also supports the establishment and management of strategic programs and IT projects

CONET – experienced partner of public clients

In the public sector, CONET has been working with a broad customer base of national and international authorities in a spirit of trust since it was founded more than 30 years ago:

  • City and District of Aachen
  • City of Bochum

  • Data Processing Center Hesse

  • Deutsche Welle Broadcasting

  • Environmental Agency of Bavaria

  • Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food

  • Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

  • Federal Agency for Water Management

  • Federal Center for Information Technology – ITZBund

  • Federal Employment Agency

  • Federal Foreign Office

  • Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

  • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)

  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

  • Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)

  • Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

  • Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning

  • Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)

  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)

  • Federal Office of Administration

  • Federal Office of Economics and Export Control

  • German Bundestag

  • German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)

  • German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI)

  • GVS Healthcare

  • Institute for Federal Real Estate

  • ITEOS (AöR)

  • KKH Insurance

  • Ministry of Finance of Baden-Wuerttemberg

  • Münchner Verein Insurances

  • Municipal Insurance Association of Bavaria

  • NDR Broadcasting

  • Rhineland Regional Authority

  • Regional Tax Office Lower Saxony

  • State Accident Insurance of Thuringia

  • State Capital Hannover

  • State Capital Munich

  • State Construction and Real Estate Agency North Rhine-Westphalia

  • State Office for Surveys and Geographical Information of Rhineland-Palatinate

  • State Office of Statistics and Data Processing of Bavaria

  • Statistical State Office of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein

  • Statistical State Office of Hesse

  • Statistical State Office of Thuringia

  • SPD - Social Democratic Party of Germany

  • SWM Munich City Utilities

  • Trade Association Wood and Metal (BGHM)

  • VIFG - Verkehrsinfrastrukturfinanzierungsgesellschaft mbH

  • WDR Broadcasting

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